Ooops…Britney did it again

Now that Britney Spears finally got her freedom back, she gets hitched. Bad idea?

Sissi Malva de Moura
3 min readJul 19, 2022
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

After a long battle to be released from the conservatorship that held her virtually prisoner for 14 years, fans and bystanders would expect the Pop Princess to take time to heal and live life to the fullest.

Maybe making a big bang comeback with all the bells (not that she hadn’t been working for the past few years, but…you know, something huge) enjoying her long-awaited independence with loads of “me, me, me” time, making up for lost time with her children, spending some of the hard-earned money that was finally at her disposal on fun stuff and possibly, associating herself with charity work related to her ordeal. That’s what many of us would do in her situation, anyway.

Yet lo and behold…the first thing Britney does -or almost- is to get married to her long-time boyfriend, personal trainer and aspiring actor Sam Asghari (let’s be honest, pretty much no one knew who he was before dating Britney Spears; the couple actually met when he played her love interest in one of her videos, so I rest my case here) 12 years her junior.

After her failed second marriage to the father of her children, who ended up getting full custody and a juicy alimony that set him for life, one would think that…

